
    • For Individuals
  • Corporate governance

Corporate governance at Bank Kompanion

Effective corporate governance is the basis for the stable development of Kompanion Bank. We understand it as a system of interaction between shareholders, the Board of Directors and the Management Board aimed at achieving strategic goals and transparency of all processes.

The main Corporate Governance Objectives of our Bank include:

  • Defining Strategic Goals and Ways to Achieve Them
  • Creating Incentives for Labor Activities Contributing to the Achievement of Strategic Tasks
  • Ensuring a Balance of Interests for Shareholders, Creditors, and Depositors for the Stable Development of the Bank
  • Guaranteeing Compliance with the Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic and Internal Regulatory Documents

Corporate governance structure

Committees of the Board of Directors

  • Audit Committee

    Provides control of financial and economic activities

  • Appointments and Remuneration Committee

    Oversees the processes of appointment and remuneration of key employees

  • Risk Management Committee

    Oversees credit and operational risk management

  • ESG Committee

    Promotes sustainable development and projects that improve environmental, social and governance aspects

Bank Kompanion strives for transparency and open dialog with shareholders, clients and society, while ensuring stable and sustainable development
Provisions on BOD